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Nail salons and other personal care service will be allowed to open on June 22


Reopening requirements (full state requirements with exceptions can be found here):

  • Prepare for Reopening the Premises to Facilitate Social Distancing

  1. Use the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) “Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19” as a guide for reopening shops.

  2. Install physical barriers, if feasible, to minimize client contact with staff in the reception area.

  3. Utilize floor markers (such as signs or tape) to designate six-foot distance in common areas of the premises.

  4. Reconfigure the premises to ensure that staff-client pairs maintain at least six feet distance between any other staff-client pairs at all times, unless separated in private closed-rooms or by physical barriers.

  5. Utilize pre-payment or remote, contactless payment options, when possible.

  6. Establish an isolated area for delivery of supplies and materials.

  7. Clean all surfaces at the premises with hot soapy water, or cleaning wipes prior to reopening and before disinfecting.

  8. Remove items that are intended to be used by multiple persons and are difficult to disinfect to reduce the risk of transmission (like magazines, candy dishes, self-service food, beverage stations…)

  9. Install hand sanitizers for use by clients and staff.

  10. Train all staff on the importance of reporting symptoms of illness, infection control procedures, cleaning and disinfection, social distancing, proper use of PPE, cough and sneeze etiquette and hand-washing as often as possible, but always after eating, smoking, using the restroom, removing any PPE, and before and after providing client services.

  11. Post signs at the premises entrance stating the requirements so that services can be offered (no walk-in, social distancing, hand washing for at least 20 seconds, face coverings, and proper coughing and sneezing etiquette…)

  • Establish Protocols for the Scheduling of Client Appointments

  1. Decline to provide services to any clients without a pre-scheduled; no walk-ins shall be permitted.

  2. Advise clients during the scheduling of appointments of the requirements.

  3. Screen no more than twenty-four hours prior to the appointment all clients scheduled for appointments via a telephonic or online consultation or questionnaire. Any individual who answers “yes” to any one of the screening questions shall be advised that the appointment cannot take place and if they arrive at the premises, they will be sent home and not permitted to proceed with an appointment, without being charged for the appointment or a cancellation fee. A sample screening questionnaire can be found in the COVID-19 GUIDE under Downloadable Materials.

  4. Advise clients that they will be asked the screening questions again and required to submit to a no-contact forehead temperature check and wear a cloth face covering at all times.

  5. Space appointments to allow adequate time for cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces in between appointments and to minimize person-to-person contact and the number of people on the premises at any given time.

  6. Limit individuals inside the premises to clients, minor children of clients, a parent of a client if the client is a minor, or a single companion if necessary to assist with communication or mobility.

  7. At no point may occupancy on premises exceed applicable indoor gathering limits established by Executive Order.

  8. Conduct a forehead temperature check on any clients or accompanying individuals entering the premises; those with a temperature exceeding 100.4 degrees, along with individuals accompanying them, should be denied entry.

  9. Have clients answer the screening questions upon arrival at the premises at the time of the appointment. Any individual who answers “yes” to any of the screening questions shall be advised that the appointment cannot take place; they should be sent home and not permitted to proceed with an appointment. A sample screening questionnaire can be found in the COVID-19 GUIDE under Downloadable Materials.

  10. Stagger work hours of staff or adjust operating hours to limit the number of individuals in the premises at any given time and accommodate social distancing.

  • Implement Protocols for Screening All Staff

  1. Require all staff immediately prior to the initial re-entry after the re-opening of the premises to respond to screening questions. Any staff member who answers “yes” to any of the screening questions shall not be permitted to enter the premises at that time.

  2. Direct all staff to self-monitor for symptoms daily and advise premises managers if they are sick or have had exposure to individuals suspected to have or confirmed to have COVID-19. Premises managers shall establish a plan for staff who get ill, and a return-to-work plan following CDC Guideline.

  3. Screen all staff members prior to or immediately upon entry into the premises, at the start of every shift, regardless of symptoms, by temperature checks.

  • Require Protective Equipment and Supplies

  1. Require premises owners, managers, staff, clients, and anyone else in the premises to wear, at minimum, a cloth face covering at all times except when a client is face down on a massage table, when doing so would inhibit an individual’s health, or the individual is under two years of age.

  2. No services may be performed that would require the removal of the client’s face covering, except that a client may remove their face covering when face down on a massage table. When providing manicuring services, manicurists may elect to use a table shield, in lieu of a face shield or goggles. Face shields, goggles and table shields shall be disinfected between each client.

  3. Provide clients with, at minimum, cloth face coverings, if they arrive for an appointment without a face covering or decline to provide services. Face coverings need not be provided to those not required to wear them because doing so would inhibit an individual’s health or the individual is under two years of age.

  4. Direct staff to wear gloves when required to handle dirty linens or laundry.

  5. Utilize disposable paper products to the greatest extent possible, including paper towels in restrooms, in lieu of cloth towels or air dryers, disposable cups and utensils in breakrooms and neck strips, table drapes, chair coverings, which are to be changed after every client, and immediately discard disposable items in a closed container.

  6. Allow for break time for repeated hand washing between clients, throughout the day.

  7. Provide supplies for regular hand washing with non-antimicrobial soap and water, alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60 to 95% alcohol or antiseptic hand wash and use no-touch receptacles for disposal.

  8. Make sanitizing and disinfectant materials available to staff and clients, such as hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes for hands and surface disinfecting for environment surfaces.

  • Enhance Disinfection and Cleaning Practices

  1. Adhere to infection control guidelines by cleaning and disinfecting high-touch areas routinely, and after each use, and at the end of the day.

  2. Implement additional infection control measures to assure that all surfaces and equipment are disinfected between clients.

  3. Cover massage tables or the warmer and padding, as well as porous, soft surfaces in plastic or a comparable non-porous material and disinfect between clients.

  4. Allocate sufficient time between appointments to ensure that there will be ample time for appropriate disinfection between clients (10-15 minutes).  

  5. Improve ventilation by increasing the circulation of outdoor air as much as possible, by opening doors and windows and by using HEPA air filtration systems, whenever possible.

  6. Use disinfectants that are EPA–registered and labeled as bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal as verified here.

  7. Ensure that all cloth capes, neck strips, drapes and towels are clean and laundered or disinfected between every use.

  8. Place staff garments in a closed container for laundering and disinfection immediately after use. Launder all garments, linens, towels, drapes, and capes in soapy water and dry completely at the warmest temperature allowed.

  9. Prohibit product-sharing between and among staff and for multi-use products, use single-use disposable applicators to safely remove product without contamination.

  10. Perform enhanced cleaning and disinfection after individuals suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 have been in the premises, referring to CDC guidance on “Cleaning and disinfecting your building or facility if someone is sick.”

  11. Decline to provide personal care services in any location not licensed as a shop by the Cosmetology Board.

  • Stay Informed About Developments and Obligations

  1. Monitor guidelines and directives issued by the New Jersey Department of Health, the Cosmetology Board,  the CDC and OSHA on an ongoing basis.

  2. Maintain an appointment book with contact information regarding clients served, as well as a daily log of staff, and submit such information if requested to do so by, or on behalf of, the Department of Health or the local board of health.

  3. Notify the local health department immediately if it is suspected that any person who is known to have contracted COVID-19 was on the premises while COVID-19 positive, and cooperate with contact tracing efforts.

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