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This page summarizes the reopening date and requirements by state.  Each state has different re-reopening date, requirements, and guidance.  Please check your state governor's website and state health department's website for further information.  We encourage nail salon owners and workers to read your state's COVID-19 guidance and modify their safety plan accordingly (e.g., maximum occupancy requirement will vary by state).  If your state's guidance is not as comprehensive as the guidance on this website (adapted from the Minnesota COVID-19 Safety Plan), we encourage you to use our COVID-19  Plan in order to provide the best protection for yourself, your employees, and clients during this pandemic.  Even if your state does not require you to have a written COVID-19 Safety Plan, we highly encourage you to have a Plan in your salon that is readily accessible to all employees and potential clients (if clients ask about it) and implement all the best practices to the extent possible. If you have questions about your state's requirements, please contact us and we can help you find the information.


Currently, we are monitoring updates and nail salon guidance for the following states:




The New York Times has a page to keep track with each state’s reopening plans

See How All 50 States Are Reopening








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